10 Most Meta Moments In Supernatural

2. There'll Be Peace When You Are Done - Carry On (S15E20)

Supernatural The French Mistake
The CW

Play Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son in a room full of people, and you'll soon flush out the Supernatural fans.

At the start of every season finale (save for season one, where it's there for the penultimate episode, when the tradition wasn't quite secured yet) the "Road So Far" montage reminding you of all the important bits from previous episodes plays, with the track blasting over the top. Long time watchers of the show have an inextricable link between this song and the pain of someone inevitably being dragged to some torturous realm.

So when the finale of all finales rolls around, its bittersweet to see Dean Winchester sent to the "heaven he deserves"; his journey is over, but at least he isn't tortured, or soulless, or alone. As he climbs into Baby for his first of presumably many posthumous joyrides, he switches the radio on and, of course, what should play but that classic Kansas bop. "What a song," he says, unaware that everyone who's been loyal to Supernatural for fifteen years has just started bawling their eyes out.

At least he doesn't have the trauma associated with that song, and can enjoy it worry free for eons to come.

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Doing my best until I reach Miranda Priestly levels of journalistic success.