10 Most Mysterious Ancient Alien Civilisations In Star Trek

3. The Progenitor-Progenitors

Star Trek Progenitors And Kirk
CBS Media Ventures

One of the biggest revelations at the end of Discovery's final season was that the Progenitors didn't actually create their technology, and in fact the history of intelligent life in our galaxy goes even further back.

When Burnham spoke with the Progenitor in their liminal space, she learned that their society was not as godlike as she assumed. The Progenitors believed they were also created using the same genetic seeding technology by an even more ancient alien society. Eventually, they found the tech and used it to create even more variety of life.

Not much is known about the Progenitors’ creators. They could've been the original designers of the so-called Progenitor tech, or it could've been made by an even older society in what was theorised as an endless cycle of creators and creations.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.