10 Most Overrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes

1. Once More, With Feeling (Season 6, Episode 7)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Once More With Feeling
Mutant Enemy

It’s not easy to criticise ‘Once More, With Feeling’. It’s a classic episode that’s regularly cited as one of Buffy’s greatest adventures.

The musical numbers are loaded with character development, and it’s nice to watch a musical with characters who have a genuine reason for breaking into song. Far from being a misfire, this risky concept was executed as well as any Buffy fan could have hoped for.

The issue with ‘Once More, With Feeling’ is that too many consider this to be the show’s greatest episode – and this simply isn’t true. ‘The Gift’, ‘Hush’, and ‘Becoming’ are just some of the stories that surpass ‘Once More, With Feeling’ when it comes to pure entertainment.

What’s more, it’s impossible to deny the performances are inconsistent. Amber Benson (Tara) and Anthony Head (Giles) sound great, but the singing from some of the other cast members is a little flat by comparison. This is understandable – they’re actors, not singers – but it does tarnish the quality of the episode slightly.

‘Once More, With Feeling’ is a terrific episode, but is it the best Buffy episode ever?

No. Not by a long shot.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.