10 Most Overrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes

2. Passion (Season 2, Episode 17)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Once More With Feeling
Mutant Enemy

‘Passion’ is an important episode in the Buffyverse because it’s the first time a major character is killed off. Determined to prevent his soul from returning, Angelus chases Jenny through Sunnydale High and snaps her neck.

This part of the story is outstanding, particularly when the other characters learn about Jenny’s death. Unfortunately, the first half of the episode is let down by some clunky dialogue.

Giles and Jenny’s classroom conversation just feels off. We’re supposed to believe these two characters are in love, but it never quite clicks, not even with the help of Christophe Beck’s superb score.

Cordelia is also a bit of a problem. Usually, the writers give her a nice mix of humour and narcissism, but in this episode, there’s too much of the latter and not enough of the former – she just comes across as annoying.

‘Passion’ is still a great episode, particularly in the second half. It’s just not the masterpiece some people believe it to be.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.