10 Most Paused Moments In Horror TV Shows

7. The Haunting Of Hill House – Nell's Ghost (S1 Ep6 Two Storms)

Twin Peaks BOB

There are enough hidden ghost shots in The Haunting of Hill House to warrant a whole article in finding them, but one was particularly poignant. In Episode 5, we learnt about the Bent Neck Lady, a ghost that Nell had encountered several times during her life, terrifying her as a child.

The big twist came at the end of the episode where we found out that Nell herself was actually the Bent Neck Lady and she appeared in this way because of how she looked when she hanged herself. She wasn't seeing a ghost, just a vision of her future self.

Episode 6 showed Nell's funeral, where she was beautifully presented in her coffin by Shirley, as the family gathered to say their final farewells. As well as seeing mother Olivia in the background, one shot showed the whole family looking towards Nell's body, while if you paused you could see Nell's ghost, sadly looking on in her bent neck pose standing at the back of the room.


Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat