10 Most Paused TV Moments

5. Negan Kills Glenn - The Walking Dead

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The Walking Dead hasn't left fans wanting for shockingly grisly moments throughout its run, but not a single death left fans more horrified and nauseated than that of fan favourite character Glenn (Steven Yeun), who was slaughtered by Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in the season seven premiere "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be."

Rather than make short work of Glenn, Negan brutally beats Glenn's head with Lucille - his trusty baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire - such that one of his eyeballs ends up popping out of the socket.

The scene lingers on Glenn's suffering, and particularly that damn eyeball, before Negan finally puts him out of his misery and bashes what remains of his head into a bloody pulp.

As much as many fans cried foul that the show had finally gone too far with its graphic depictions of violence, the still image of Glenn's mutilated head and protruding eyeballs where everywhere as soon as the episode aired, highlighting the clear morbid interest in what remains The Walking Dead's most sickening act to date.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.