10 Most Powerful Anime Characters Of All Time

7. All Might (My Hero Academia)

Death Note

Who needs Goku when you have the great and mighty punch-dad, All Might?

I wanted to put All Might higher on the list, but then season 3 happened and well, we're stuck with tiny wimpy All Might for the long haul. Which is fine, at least they didn't kill him, but it drops him a few notches on the list.

We never see All Might before he got that insane injury that severely limited his powers. But considering that the entire world built their culture around knowing he would always protect them, you have to assume he was on the level of Superman if not even stronger.

And even when weakened, the man is nothing to turn your nose at. He's basically superman without the flight or heat vision. Basically indestructible, strong enough to cause a hurricane in downtown Tokyo with one punch (not an exaggeration), and is as fast as he is strong. Sure he can only maintain it for an hour at most when we first meet him - and even less time as the series goes on - but if you fight him, get ready for the longest hour of your entire life.

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Dragon Ball
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?