10 Most Powerful Anime Characters Of All Time

2. Subaru Natsuki (Re:Zero)

Death Note
TV Tokyo

The funny thing about power is that none of it matters if the other guy won't stay down. Enter Subaru Natsuki. Bet none of you saw this coming, huh?

Re:Zero is the horror writer's take on the currently mega popular isekai sub genre, where a normal guy is sent to another world whose worlds usually center around RPG mechanics. And this story gets most of its horror from, ironically, what makes Subaru so powerful: the respawn system.

If Subaru dies, he's sent back a certain amount of time before he died, usually whenever he last slept. However, he remembers every gruesome moment from his death, both how it happened and how it felt to die. Yeah, this show is messed up. But the good news is that Subaru has pretty much unlimited attempts to retry and fix whatever mess he's gotten himself into.

As the ending of Doctor Strange showed, nothing is more effective at stopping an all powerful force of nature than a guy who won't go the f*ck away. So no matter how many times you put down this very easily killable otaku, rest assured, he'll be back.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?