10 Most Powerful Anime Characters Of All Time

1. Whis (Dragon Ball Super)

Death Note
20th Century Fox

How to outdo a guy who travels back in time whenever he dies? Well, obviously a guy who can control the flow of time itself.

I was tempted to put Lord Beerus, God Of Destruction here, since Akira Toriyama has straight up said that Beerus is the power ceiling and nothing will ever top him. However, Beerus has also said multiple times that Whis is even stronger than him, being the one meant to train destroyer gods, so by process of elimination, Whis wins.

Whis is not only a hoot of a character, unflappably witty and coy to a fault, yet also down to earth and an enjoyer of the simple things in life, but also universally unbeatable. At least Goku has managed to actually land a solid hit on Beerus once or twice, meanwhile anyone who tries to do the same to Whis will have a hard time even keeping track of the slippery bastard.

While his personality reflects that of a wacky next door neighbor, his power reveals him to be far above anything mortals can hope to reach. And that doesn't look to be changing anytime soon.

Dragon Ball Z Quiz: How Well Do You Know Goku?

Dragon Ball Goku
Namco Bandai

1. What Is Goku's Birth Name?

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?