10 Most Rewatchable Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes

8. A Matter Of Honour

Star Trek Riker Klingon

What makes "A Matter of Honour" such a staple of anyone's re-watch pile is that it a departure from the majority of the series almost immediately. With Riker positioned as first officer away from the Enterprise and a Klingon aboard the flagship we are given an easy juxtaposition to follow.

This is an episode that poses many questions regarding loyalty and duty. Up until this stage of the show the Klingons had been a regular visitor but we had never truly delved into them as a race or culture. The opportunity to interact with such a contrasting way of life naturally creates fascinating dynamics between the characters, none more so than Riker and his Commanding Officer.

As audiences witness Riker's integration into the Klingon culture the overarching narrative of the show - one which demands our characters adapt to the change, and tests their willingness to do so under immense peril - is rooted in a powerful message of acceptance and open-mindedness.

The true basis upon which this episode is built will never cease to be watchable; it teaches us that despite some clear differences, we are no different nor no better than other species and that working together is vital to growth. Riker's battles for compliance from his new crew are riveting and brimming with danger, thus keeping us on the edge of our seats, yet there is something wonderful as we are treated to a reciprocation from the Klingons as they too display a willingness to learn from others.

A wonderful, expertly written episode which does not disappoint, rather is able to re-emphasise it's point during each run through. Jonathan Frakes is tremendous here too, and gives one of his best performances of the series.


A Self-Proclaimed Newcastle Utd aficionado. Lover of all things Sport (except rugby and golf, no-one likes those). Whether it's Wrestling, Movies, TV or Comics, you can be sure to find an impassioned Kent-based opinion here.