10 Most Rewatchable Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes

4. Best Of Both Worlds Part 1 & 2

Star Trek Riker Klingon

As audiences we grow an affinity to the characters we love, and feel connected to them more and more as time goes on. Best Of Both Worlds utilises this fact by placing everyone's favourite captain in jeopardy, thus flipping the series on its head.

In one of the most harrowing finales on nerd television, Riker is forced into a command position and has to decide whether to try and save Picard or destroy the Borg cube. Confronted with a seemingly unsurmountable foe, Riker is ultimately forced to chose between saving Captain Picard, or having the chance to save millions of others by letting him succumb to The Borg in an attempt to destroy them.

Jonathan Frakes delivers a spectacular performance in this 2-part masterpiece. Audiences experience the gruelling nature of the dilemmas he is faced with as the situation escalates.

The writing, the many gut-wrenching scenes riddled with countless impossible choices, the sense of genuine threat to the enterprise and indeed the dynamic of the show as a whole, cement this 2-part epic as a milestone for the series. The episode is full of defining character moments for a number of the crew mean this is one to bookmark as something that will always be relevant and will continue to be a great go-to re-watch.


A Self-Proclaimed Newcastle Utd aficionado. Lover of all things Sport (except rugby and golf, no-one likes those). Whether it's Wrestling, Movies, TV or Comics, you can be sure to find an impassioned Kent-based opinion here.