10 Most Ridiculously Convoluted Plans By Doctor Who Villains

6. Omega, Arc Of Infinity

Omega is a legendary Time Lord trapped in an anti-matter dimension after he harnessed the power of a black hole and gave the Time Lords their power source. He exists as a being of pure will, and wants to return to the matter universe in a stable body. This is generally regarded as pretty reasonable, albeit with some worries about Omega€™s temper and e€™er increasing devotion to wrath after years of solitude. A Time Lord Councillor and Omega fan gets in touch with him (don€™t ask how, it is not important), and they hatch a plan steal the Doctor€™s bio-data (despite the best attempts of a zealous and on-the-ball technician). The Councillor sends Omega the bio-data (again, don€™t ask how, it really isn€™t important) which enables him to attempt to bond with the Doctor€™s body inside the TARDIS using the Arc of Infinity (an inter-dimensional phenomena that shields anti-matter), which is a plot device that bestows Omega with the power to do everything that doesn€™t make sense in this story. This plan doesn€™t work. The Time Lords do the only thing they can to stop it from happening again, and sentence the Doctor to death (possibly in an attempt to usurp the title character in his own show, because for too long the exciting adventures of the High Council have gone undocumented). Fortunately for the Doctor the Councillor has saved his life, hidden his body behind a force field and stored his mind in a computer for Omega to interact with. Meanwhile, Omega has established a base in a TARDIS in Amsterdam, assisted by a gammy looking bird creature. Yes he has. I told you it wasn't important. By nothing more than complete and utter coincidence, ex-companion Tegan happens to come across this base, so Omega can threaten her and make the Doctor do his bidding. Omega is able to transfer himself into a new body, a perfect replica of the Doctor. And yet, after all that, this plan doesn€™t work either. I€™m starting to see how Omega ended up trapped in a black hole in the first place.
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