10 Most Ridiculously Convoluted Plans By Doctor Who Villains

4. The High Council, The Trial Of A Time Lord

The High Council of Gallifrey had technological secrets stolen from the Matrix - the Time Lord data repository - by a group who had a base on Earth. Their response to this clearly impossible breach of security (that had already happened twice before) was to move the Earth across space to a completely different location, causing a fireball that almost destroyed all life on the planet (presumably they hadn€™t turned on the safety switch that the Doctor must use in Journey€™s End). They then modified the records to say that the Earth was called Ravolox and had always been there, which apparently worked. When the Doctor arrives on Ravolox and discovers the ruins of Marble Arch underground station, the Time Lords then frame him, take him out of time, and put him on trial because that has a history of turning out well. It turns out that the prosecutor is a dark aspect of the Doctor€™s personality from between his twelfth and thirteenth regenerations. The High Council have somehow found him and agreed to donate the Doctor€™s remaining regenerations to him once he€™s been successfully prosecuted and killed, which still necessitates the falsification of evidence. Also the Doctor relays events from his personal future as evidence in the trial, which sounds like a paradox just waiting to happen. Most of this information is brought to the Doctor via the Master, who is clearly jealous of how needlessly complicated this has got.
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