10 Most Shocking Deaths in Boardwalk Empire

3. Gyp Rosetti€™s Men

It was either going to be €˜Gyp Rosetti€™s men€™ or €˜Richard Harrow€™ at number 3 and how glad we all are that it is Rosetti€™s men and not our beloved Harrow. The centrepiece scene of the season three finale; Harrow going on the rampaging killing spree is one of the most tense and nerve-wracking extended scenes in the show so far. Harrow has become the shows breakout star since his arrival and despite being quiet and sincere without a gun, he is a highly trained and skilled killer. Despite this, he often seems the most sympathetic and likeable character on the show by quite a large distance. The all-out assault on The Artemis Club is brutal and blood-soaked with several near misses for Harrow that left us on the edge of our seats, especially in the final showdown of the scene where Harrow tells Tommy to €˜close his eyes€™. I€™m sure I wasn€™t the only one who assumed the worst until the blood-spatter covers the window behind the henchman and Tommy runs into Harrow€™s arms. A brutally violent fairytale, Harrow rescues Tommy from the sleaze and evil of Gillian (whose fate remains unknown after being given what looked like an overdose of drugs by Rosetti before the bullets started flying). What is even more worrying is what will season four have in store for Harrow.

A fountain of knowledge in useless film related trivia. Loves a good Simpsons reference. Also likes to write about stuff.