10 Most Shocking Moments In Ted Lasso
9. Jamie Goes Back To Manchester City - Season 1, Episode 6

Speaking of Jamie Tartt, what a piece of work he is! At the beginning of season one he is portrayed as an arrogant, selfish narcissist with no indication as to why he is this way. Ted, being the kind-hearted optimist, takes on the challenge of turning him into a better player and a better man.
It’s in episode 6, Two Aces, that we really start to see a change in Jamie. He starts off as his overconfident, sarcastic self but, after some insightful words from Keeley, he finally allows himself to become a better team player and open up more about his relationship with his dad.
That moment when the entire team are drinking around the fire is Ted’s first real success as their coach, which is why it’s so shocking when, the next day, Rebecca sends Jamie back to Manchester City. Of course, at this point, Rebecca is still determined to sabotage the team (which will be looked at more closely further down this list) and while her actions may not be that surprising to the audience, for Ted, it is the first time he truly disagrees with Rebecca and shows a more angry side to himself.
Jamie doesn’t stay away for long and is soon back causing trouble, but this moment did highlight just how far Rebecca was willing to go to succeed in her endeavours. We can only be grateful that she eventually had a change of heart!