10 Most Shockingly Sudden Exits From TV Shows

1. Roseanne Barr (Roseanne Conner) - Roseanne

Lost Ana Lucia Cortez

Though Roseanne's belated tenth season turned out to be a surprisingly decent revival, lead actress Roseanne Barr ended up derailing a massive gravy train for herself after making racist remarks on Twitter about Barack Obama's former advisor Valerie Jarrett.

As a result, ABC cancelled plans for any future seasons of Roseanne, which was replaced with a sans-Roseanne spin-off, The Conners.

The pilot episode revealed that Roseanne had died from an opioid overdose, which some fans and critics felt was a needlessly grim way to do away with the character. However, the three seasons to date have generally received solid acclaim.

Unlike John Goodman's Dan, it doesn't seem likely Roseanne's demise will ever be retconned, and it's probably just as well.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.