10 Most Shockingly Sudden Exits From TV Shows

2. Gina Carano (Cara Dune) - The Mandalorian

Lost Ana Lucia Cortez
Disney Platform Distribution

In more recent stakes, we have the majorly controversial departure of The Mandalorian's Cara Dune (Gina Carano), whose exit was sudden enough that she reportedly won't be given any sort of on-screen write-off.

Gina Carano received solid acclaim for her performance as battle-hardened mercenary Dune throughout the show's first two seasons, though came under intense scrutiny amid a series of contentious social media posts.

In these posts she mocked users using pronouns, downplayed both COVID-19 and the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement, spread election fraud theories, and compared the "oppression" of right-wing conservatives to Jews during the Holocaust.

Though Disney remained dead silent about the issue for many months, they announced back in February that Carano had been fired from the show and Cara Dune would not be recast.

It's of course a massive shame for the many fans who identified with and enjoyed her character, especially as it's unlikely there will be any sort of closure for Cara Dune in the future. The Mandalorian will certainly go on just fine without her, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.