10 Most Soul-Destroying Moments In Squid Game

6. The deaths of Players 069 and 070

Ji-Yeong Death Squid Game

Gganbu, the show's sixth episode was a hourlong exercise in pain that pitted the players against each other in the most personal way yet. The world's most fatal marble game saw the show's body count yet again rise considerably, and this included the deaths of players 069 and 070 (though the former's death was not directly caused by the game).

Like many other players, the two were a couple who joined the game to clear their debts and stuck to each other throughout each increasingly dangerous game. Although they were background characters, their desire to stick together was heartwarming to see amidst all the violence and callous disregard for life.

Unfortunately, this was their undoing in Gganbu as Player 069 won the deadly game and this led to his wife's death. The loss of his wife, coupled with the inhumane nature of the game led to him taking his own life. This act was made even more distressing due to the widower's desperate (but ignored) pleas to end the brutal game.

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