10 Most Terrifying Locations In Game Of Thrones

2. The Land Of Always Winter

Game Of Thrones Hall Of Faces

The White Walkers and the Army of the Dead were – for the most part – the biggest threat to Westeros throughout the show. Their cold determination to destroy the world of men was enough to make anyone quake with fear.

The Land of Always Winter was the birthplace of such creatures and is the most northerly point in Westeros. Every inch of it is covered in snow and ice, and though no major characters ever physically go this far north, the Land of Always Winter is seen several times via Bran’s visions.

This location is also where infants are taken to be transformed into White Walkers. The fourth episode of Season 4 reveals this particular ritual and is undoubtedly one of the creepiest moments in the show.

Though it would have been interesting to learn more about the Land of Always Winter, the brief glimpses we do see make it clear just how frightening this location is.


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