10 Most Tragic Batman Villains

8. The Ventriloquist

Mister Freeze Heart of Ice
DC Comics

If you know nothing else about Gotham City, know this: it is a weird ass city filled with weird ass people. For example, The Ventriloquist is probably the most normal of Batman's foes in terms of gimmick, and that gimmick is that he has a hand puppet who seems to have a mind of its own and is one of Gotham's most notorious gangsters.

The best version of The Ventriloquist, of course, is Batman: The Animated Series, a show you should expect to show up a lot on this list.

In BTAS, Albert Wesker is a man living with DID and it's almost as severe as Two-Face's, only instead of one overtaking the other, the two personalities co-inhabit the same brain, taking two very different forms. On one hand you have the meek, cowardly Albert, while on the other, you have Scarface, a ruthless, murderous gangster straight out of a 1930s-era serial.

Needing a means of communicating his dastardly crimes, Scarface had Albert buy a ventriloquist dummy and dressing it up to match the other personality's proclivities.

What makes this version of Albert so tragic is the fact that he is in a deeply abusive relationship with himself, Scarface always berating him and making him go along with his insane schemes. This is made all the more horrifying by the excellent animation of BTAS portraying Albert's body as not his own, his own hand moving to point Scarface's gun at him while he begs himself to spare his life.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?