10 Most Underrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

3. Darla

Buffy Kendra
Mutant Enemy Productions

The first scene of Buffy the Vampire Slayer perfectly exemplifies just how unpredictable the series would be.

It starts with a high school couple breaking into the school at night, only with the girl getting scared that something's in there with them. It looks like the boy's going to kill her, but then - shock horror - it's the girl who turns out to be the vampire.

It's a great rug-pull, and introduces Darla in the best way possible. She causes some trouble in the first half of the show's debut season, before being killed by Angel to prove his loyalty to Buffy.

Like The Master, Darla was a character whose existence put many of the show's biggest developments in motion, and in both life and death she was just as compelling as the depth she added to Angel's harrowing backstory.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.