10 Most Underrated Simpsons Characters

3. Groundskeeper Willie

The Simpsons Hans Moleman Kiss

Patriotic, hard-working, psychotic and at times incomprehensible. Willie is a Scottish immigrant with an interesting past. By varying accounts he was a miner and a serial killer before arriving in America. One of his defining characteristics is his burning rage, often directed at Principal Skinner.

Over the years, this rage has been used in different ways, from heroically wrestling a wolf, to murdering children in a Treehouse of Horror spoof of A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Willie started out as a one-off character with just a few lines of dialogue. Originally conceived as a Spaniard, it was thought too offensive, so a heavy Scottish accent was used instead. He's since gone on to become an iconic character, and his description of the French as "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" has entered popular culture. That said, the number of storylines given over to this character are limited. Viewers don't get to see as much of the raging Scotsman as they'd like, and his impacted is largely limited to episode cameos and one-liners. Like other characters, he's probably more underrated by show creators than by fans.


Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.