10 Most Underrated Sitcoms Of The Past Decade
2. Happy Endings (ABC, 2011 - 2013)
Happy Endings is the love child of Friends and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It follows the lives of six young people in Chicago trying to figure out everything, which is where the comparisons to Friends come in. They're also six people who are morally objectionable, selfish and their own worst enemies yet are somehow incredibly endearing. That's how the series was reminiscent of It's Always Sunny.
The crux of the series is Alexandra Kerkovich leaving her finance Dave Rose at the altar in the opening scene of the pilot. That act is in the background of everything that happens for the next three seasons, causing all of their relationships to evolve. All of the characters are unique and interesting, particularly Max Blum, a distinctly different gay character than what you normally get from network sitcoms.
ABC had a potential hit on their hands but bad scheduling and an inconsistent time slot kept it from building a following. It's cancellation after only three seasons is arguably one of the worst decisions in TV history.