10 Most Underrated SpongeBob SquarePants Episodes

5. 'Sand Castles In The Sand' (Season Six)

Spongebob Squarepants

Of all the different lessons SpongeBob SquarePants taught in it's over two decade history, a story that feels loosely inspired by the dangers of war and international tensions might be the most unexpected.

'Sand Castles in the Sand' is about SpongeBob and Patrick in a dispute over, you guessed it, sand castles. That fight takes the form of failed treaties, tanks, and ultimately a giant bomb, all made of sand of course. Nevertheless, those are some unexpected beats for a SpongeBob SquarePants episode, and allow for some uniquely funny moments.

SpongeBob talking military strategy with a general made out of sand, and Patrick unleashing a Voltron-esque robot to fight SpongeBob's tank are all odd visuals for the show, but succeed in making a funny and memorable episode. In fact, their entire fight is filled with moments like that which help create one of the best all-around episodes in the highly underrated sixth season of the show.


Brett Grega is a freelance writer, and avid NBA fan. Follow him at @wrestlegrognard or email him at brettg26101@gmail.com.