10 Most Unexpected Horror TV Show Deaths

9. Denise - The Walking Dead Season 6

The Walking Dead Denise death

Much like Game Of Thrones, very few side characters make it through The Walking Dead alive. As the series went on, the threat of rival human groups only grew more pronounced. Things really started to get dicey in the sixth season. Having established themselves in Alexandria, Rick's group befriend many new faces, including the local doctor Denise.

In the fourteenth episode, Denise pauses on an expedition to express herself to Daryl and the others. She's tired of being put down and viewed as a tool by others. The conversation pushes on for almost a minute and it seems to be swaying Denise's friends, that is until a crossbow bolt from Dwight lands with a devastating impact.

The weapon's silent but deadly efficiency is taken to its most grim conclusion as it pierces right through Denise's skull and out of her right eye. What makes the moment even more grisly is how she tries to finish her sentence. It's a death so abrupt that it takes the body a second or two to register the impact.

Being a key doctor in the community of Alexandria, the sudden death of Denise deprives the town of a valuable skill-set. It's another abrupt moment that shows Negan's saviours are not to be trifled with.


A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website https://robc25.wixsite.com/thecainagecritique and my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftJ6WcozDaECFfjvORDk3w