10 Most Unexpected Star Trek Moments

9. Two Borg Cubes Are Destroyed

Star Trek Tasha Yar

The Borg had long been known as one of the most terrifying and unstoppable forces in the galaxy. There are in fact already theories as to why they didn't simply destroy humanity on their own terms.

However, in Star Trek Voyager's third season finale, Scorpion, the episode opens with one of the shortest cold opens in the franchise's history. Two Borg Cubes, which should spell curtains for anyone standing in their way, approach an unseen vessel, crying out their usual warning.

Then, out of nowhere, weapons fire and obliterate the Cubes, stunning the audience into silence. As Tom Paris asks, what could do that to the Borg?

It set the scene for the threat that Species 8472 posed to the galaxy, kicking some of Voyager's best episodes into gear.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick