10 Most Unique Star Trek Episodes

1. Subspace Rhapsody

Klingon pop Subspace rhapsody Star trek strange new worlds
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek finally went and did a musical episode - and it was glorious! Now, love it or hate it, Subspace Rhapsody was a bold move on the part of the franchise. Of course, there had been musical moments in Trek before this, with the odd song here and there, or musical performances in the fourth intersect in Jefferies tube twenty-five, but never before had a full-scale spectacular like this been attempted.

It's an episode that works best when one gives oneself over to the sheer fun of events. Not every cast member will be taking home the Tony award, while some of the dancing could do with a polish, but that actually adds to the awkwardness of the situation - something that shows only too well on the face of the beleaguered Captain Pike.

Celia Rose Gooding is probably the strongest vocal performer in the episode, but for a cast who may not have been classically trained, they all give it their best, and the songs have stuck in our heads for weeks now - so Tom Polce and Kay Hanley have a lot to answer for in that respect.

After fifty-seven years, Star Trek is taking chances and boldly going to places it has never traveled before. That, in our opinion, is why it manages to stay unique.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick