10 Most Useless Doctor Who Characters

1. Sniperbots

Doctor Who Auton Mickey Smith
BBC Studios

The clue's in the name - Sniperbots. Sniper. Bots. Robots whose whole purpose is to be exceptional snipers. Created by the Stenza, the Sniperbots appeared in both The Ghost Monument and The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos, and were completely, utterly useless in both appearances. It's something of a sci-fi cliche that the villains can't shoot straight, but it's particularly galling in this case.

These robot assassins are supposed to be the best snipers in the universe, but they can't even withstand a challenge from Ryan Sinclair. Despite Ryan's difficulties with coordination and riding a bike, he can gun down a whole army of specially designed snipers because he's played Call of Duty. Take that, Stenza weapon specialists.

It's hardly surprising that the Sniperbots are useless, especially given that the Stenza also created the evil sentient bandages which warn the Doctor about their hidden past. When the Sniperbots return for The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos - a Doctor Who story that writer Chris Chibnall doesn't even like - they are once more swiftly dispatched by Ryan and Graham with a well-timed duck.

Of the Stenza's many crimes against the universe, their Sniperbots should get them hauled up in front of the courts for breaching the trade description act.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.