10 Most Useless Doctor Who Characters

5. Krasko

Doctor Who Auton Mickey Smith
BBC Studios

Rosa is one of Doctor Who's best historical stories. It shows that recent history can be just as dangerous to the TARDIS team as medieval times or hostile alien planets. It also has one of the show's absolute worst villains in the form of Krasko, a racist time traveller who's dressed for an amateur-dramatics production of Grease.

Krasko represents the problem with modern Doctor Who's need for a villain. The racism of the time is a dangerous antagonist as it is, without hammering the point home via Krasko. While the idea of commercial time travel being used to spread racist rhetoric is a strong one (especially given the trajectory of how humans have used the internet), Krasko is such an ineffective presence that the character loses his thematic heft.

While it's certainly a hugely powerful moment in history and provides strong character work for the TARDIS team, Krasko is a Doctor Who villain who's essentially beaten by some people sitting on a bus. Krasko's uselessness and small-scale messing with the local bus timetables could be seen as a takedown of the petty small-mindedness of racists, but it fundamentally doesn't work in terms of Doctor Who villainy.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.