10 Movie Stars Who Gave Their Best Ever Performance On TV

1. Clive Owen - The Knick

Mare of Easttown Kate Winslet

Though Clive Owen's Hollywood career is fairly low-key these days, he nevertheless has a number of killer roles to his name - Croupier, Closer, Sin City, Inside Man, Children of Men, The Boys Are Back, and Shadow Dancer.

But Owen's best performance to date remains hugely underappreciated by audiences at large - his stunning turn as cocaine-addicted chief surgeon Dr. John Thackery in Steven Soderbergh's superb drama series The Knick.

It is a brilliantly multi-faceted, vanity-free performance from Owen, delivering the sort of top-level work which, in a just world, would've netted him All the Awards. Sadly though, despite rave reviews The Knick largely didn't rustle up much awards momentum during its original two-season run.

If you're at all a fan of Owen's, this is a must-see - the suaveness of his marquee movie roles is stripped away for an ugly, warts-and-all character whose genius and self-destructive tendencies are palpable in equal measure.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.