10 Movie Stars Who Gave Their Best Ever Performance On TV

2. Kate Winslet - Mare Of Easttown

Mare of Easttown Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet is undeniably one of the most talented actresses of her generation, touting an Oscar win from an impressive seven nominations, as well as an Emmy, three BAFTAs, and four Golden Globes.

Where to even begin here? Heavenly Creatures, Sense and Sensibility, Titanic, Quills, Iris, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Finding Neverland, Little Children, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, Carnage, Contagion, Labor Day, Steve Jobs, and Ammonite. Phew.

But Winslet incredibly delivered the definitive, towering performance of her career earlier this year when she starred in HBO's stunning crime drama series Mare of Easttown.

As worn-out, no-nonsense Detective Mare Sheehan, Winslet is a far cry from the glamourous English rose she's played so many times - dressed-down in functional attire and sporting a tricky "Delco" accent, this is a textbook example of a highly visible actor completely disappearing into their part.

As a determined, obsessive cop investigating a local murder and also a woman who is herself frayed at the seams, Winslet brings dimension and shade to a difficult part, and in turns gives audiences a seven-hour acting masterclass quite unlike anything she's ever done.

Expect Winslet to receive an avalanche of awards for the performance over the next year.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.