10 Must-See Previous Roles From New Twin Peaks Residents
6. Naomi Watts – Betty/Diane Selwyn, Mulholland Drive
Watts’ apparently ‘major’ role in the revival is an incredibly exciting prospect, if past form is any indication. Watts made her name in Lynch's 2001 masterpiece Mulholland Drive, in which she, like Dern before her, disappears within the recesses of her mind in a pulsating hallucinatory nightmare. Wide-eyed and curious, Watts astutely reins in the gee-whiz innocence of her character to allow for a believable transition to the demented husk she becomes or, perhaps, always was.
Like all of Lynch's best work, he directs her arc to be entirely interpretive, which necessitates a controlled and ambiguous performance.
Her subsequent career trajectory is proof that she delivered, and while she hasn't been sidelined to the extent that Leigh has in recent years, it may take Twin Peaks to remind Hollywood just how incredible a talent she is.