10 Nu-Who Storylines That Doctor Who Spin-Off Media Did First

9. A Cyberman In Touch With Their Feelings

Doctor Who River Song 13 Children

In 2022, it feels like every Cyberman story must feature some poor unfortunate victim of Cyber-conversion breaking their programming and crying engine oil tears. Back in 1979 however, this was a revolutionary idea from comics writer Steve Moore. In a two-part Doctor Who Magazine backup strip entitled The Soul of a Cyberman, Moore created Kroton - a Cyberman who regained touch with their emotions.

After liberating a colony of prisoners from the Cybermen, Kroton wandered space for decades in occasional comic strip appearances. Eventually, crossing paths with the Eighth Doctor and his companion Izzy, he became a member of the TARDIS team. Kroton's personal arc was one of the early great Doctor Who comic stories of the McGann era.

Eventually, he leaves after playing an integral part in a battle between the Master and the Doctor to gain control over the Omniverse in the iconic story The Glorious Dead. Kroton informs some of the later aspects of the modern series, not just the emotional Cyberman element, but also the ostensibly untrustworthy companion with a heart of gold and missing memories. Captain Jack anyone?

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.