10 Most Offensive Family Guy Moments Ever

2. Herbert, Generally

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cJOE3DhNsc You can certainly never accuse a show in which one of the most prominent supporting characters is a predatory paedophile of playing it safe. Herbert is grotesque, perverted, disgusting and wonderfully funny. Is it fair to consider a cutaway featuring a dumped baby over the line, whilst being amused by the ongoing presence of a sexual predator in the show? Very probably not, but comedy is a personal thing, and it can sometimes be hard to rationalise what we do and don't find funny or acceptable. Herbert works as a character because he is so blatant and unrealistically open about his pursuit of Chris, a fact seemingly lost on everybody other than Stewie. This is one of the ironic occasions where ramping up a character to be as wilfully offensive as he could possibly be actually makes him more acceptable to the audience.
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Family Guy
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I am a freelance writer, currently residing in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. I was raised by wolves in the woodlands of Northumberland, but am still posher than Colin Firth having dinner with The Queen. I write all of my pieces by swallowing a cocktail of scrabble tiles and vodka, then regurgitating them over my jotter. Hope this explains the typos.