10 Oldest Characters In The Doctor Who Universe

6. The Fendahl

Doctor Who Ashildr

Estimated Age: Over 12 million years.

"Eustace" was the nickname given to an object that resembled an ordinary human skull, but in actual fact, this skull was part of an entity called the Fendahl, an ancient being that originated millions and millions of years in the past.

In the 1977 serial Image Of The Fendahl, Eustace is said to be around 12 million years old, and the Fourth Doctor states that the Fendahl must also be around that age, having arrived on Earth from the fifth planet long before humanity ever evolved.

Despite looking all crusty and dead, Eustace still contained Fendahl life within it - life that's so powerful, it even poses a threat to the Doctor, who decides that the best way to deal with this situation is to throw the skull into a literal supernova.

You know a villain is badass when it takes an extreme measure like that to defeat them, and the Fendahl's great power goes hand-in-hand with its great age.

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