10 Once Hated TV Characters That Made You Love Them

1. Carl Grimes - The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Carl Grimes
Gene Page/AMC

Why He Was Hated

As a child, Carl - or "Coral" to give him his true name - was something of an annoyance. Because of how he was written, he seemed to be at the epicentre of many things that went wrong and nobody seemed able to accept that he'd been through some truly awful sh*t and should have been given way more of a pass.

Even when he lost his eye, Carl was still deemed somewhat lesser to the rest of the cast. Perhaps it was down to us watching him grow up and not being able to get involved in the more interesting adult storylines until he was of age?

But Then...

By the time he was killed off - an event that inspired outrage in the fanbase as a mark of the character's popularity - he was way more than just the poor kid who kept going through bad things.

He was complex, darker and desensitised to his surroundings in a similar way a serial killer might appear to be and while it was unfair that we were robbed of him as the leader he became in the comics, he was way more of a beloved figure by the time he drew his last breath.

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