10 Once Hated TV Characters That Made You Love Them

2. Rachel Berry - Glee

Rachel, Glee

Why She Was Hated

Like April Kepner, Rachel's biggest crime when she was first introduced was her ability. She excelled as a singer and had a singular dream of making it, even at the cost of all else. As a result she was stuffy and somewhat prudish and it was way easier to fall for the more quirky supporting characters who would steal our hearts.

In contrast to them, Rachel was a lot harder to love, because she had to go on a journey that wasn't just underdog to winner. She was a bit too much of a try-hard and a goodie-goodie and fans reacted exactly as the writing intended.

But Then...

Partly because she was intended to be a little unlikeable, Rachel ended up being bullied by the more popular girls and became the butt of lots of jokes, but her earnestness became more and more likeable as she went through more stuff. And there was a wholesome goodness to her drive that made it difficult to really judge her for it.

She definitely had her moments, but that made her complex and she went on a journey - particularly in the final season - that more than redeems her nastier side. Even if some fans still hold on to the wounds.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.