10 PERFECT Scenes In Hated Star Trek Episodes

7. I've Been Waiting For You - Meridian

Star Trek Picard Stands In The Romulan Senate Nemesis
CBS Media Ventures

Meridian is dull, and makes very little sense. Jadzia falls in love with a man she met five minutes ago, so is willing to lock the Dax symbiont away on a hidden world for fifty years to stay with him, despite the fact she hasn’t even seen if he pees in the shower? 


But, the episode, for its faults, does contain a glorious, albeit brief, scene of a fairly scummy man getting his comeuppance - with Quark getting a splash of cold water as well. Jeffrey Combs makes his Star Trek debut (yes, there really was a first appearance, as opposed to the theory that he’s simply always been here) as Tiron, the rather gross merchant who wants Major Kira in a bad way. 

When she resoundingly lets him know that he will never be with her in the waking world, he instead turns to Quark, seeking a holographic next best thing. Quark, ever the Ferengi of high moral standing, agrees in a heartbeat, intent on securing her holographic likeness to see to the man. This leads to the infamous scene that shows Quark’s head on Kira’s body, seductively informing Tiron that he’s been waiting for him. To do what, we can only guess, but the look on Tiron’s face makes the scene priceless. 

The overall plot of how happy Quark was to sell Kira’s body leaves a sour taste in the mouth - Meridian is not a good episode, by any stretch of the mind. Seeing a scumbag get theirs, though? Almost worth it.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick