10 PERFECT Scenes In Hated Star Trek Episodes

2. You're Not Nana! - Sub Rosa

Star Trek Picard Stands In The Romulan Senate Nemesis
CBS Media Ventures

Sub Rosa is a horse of a different colour, offering some of the finest trash that Trek has ever displayed. Full disclosure, this writer unashamedly LOVES this episode. It's got it all - the gothic horror, the romance, the erotic granny journals - what’s not to like? 

Now, there are some parts that perhaps could have used another pass in the writer’s room (particularly erotic entry, anyone?) but the core of the story actually works. Saying that, the scene that just abandons all pretence of trying to be something serious comes right at the climax. Felicia Howard, exhumed by Data and Geordi, both of whom seem to be bursting at the seams trying not to laugh, rises from her coffin, incapacitating them both, and turns to Beverly. 


Gates McFadden commits so hard to this moment, to this delivery, that it is truly a challenge not to fall in love with the absolutely bonkers set of events happening around them all. It may not be the height of television achievement, but it wouldn’t be out of place in the absolute trashiest telenovelas, and honestly, we’re here for it.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick