10 Pieces Of Doctor Who Merchandise You Won't Believe Exist

5. The Sonic Draught Excluder

If your sense of 'wacky fun' is so acute that you can't even keep the cold out without some kind of official merchandise then you'll be all over the Sonic Screwdriver draught excluder. The official announcement press release explains how this real Sonic Screwdriver became oversized and soft:
It landed in a strange universe where everything was plush and soft. And so, it became plush and soft as well. When the Doctor achieves normality again, he is sad for his loss. But the TARDIS doesn€™t like when her things get out of place and somehow returns the sonic to the Doctor. Only now it is plush and soft and almost three feet long. So, he does the only thing he can think of: he begins using it as a draft excluder.
It may be ridiculous, but at least it works on wooden doors.
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