10 Pieces Of Doctor Who Merchandise You Won't Believe Exist

4. The Fake Stuff

The sheer amount of fake Doctor Who tat which is available both online and in shops up and down the country is absolutely mind-boggling. From walkie talkies featuring sound quality so low that each side sounds like a Dalek, to "Cybermen" Helicopters from that time that the Cybermen definitely used a helicopter to take on The Doctor. By far and away the best ones are the cheap toy cars which claim to be officially licensed and feature "music light", whatever that is. The thought of David Tennant's Doctor galavanting around in a Beamer is appealing but one thing's for sure, it's no Whomobile.
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Freelance writer and Web Editor. | Once won a Cosmopolitan Award. No idea why. | @MichaelJayPark