10 Planned Seasons Of Cancelled Sci-Fi TV Shows

8. Invasion

Farscape Chiana

Based on Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, the short-lived show Invasion in 2005 had a grand plan for a five-season arc about water-based aliens infiltrating a small Florida town in the aftermath of a hurricane. Unfortunately, the show debuted a few short months after the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina and thus all early advertising for it was pulled. The show never found an audience and was cancelled after one season.

Several of the stars, including William Fichtner, have talked about where the show would have gone if they'd been able to continue. Fichtner's character of Sheriff Tom Underlay would have discovered that his wife had survived the plane crash that had come to define his survivor mentality, and she was now in charge of the oppressive military operation that was harassing his town, while best friends Russell and Dave would have done their best to expose Underlay as one of the Hybrids.

Tyler Labine, another actor on the show had said that the grand plan was for the final revelation to be that humanity can never win against these water-creatures, for the hybridising of the two would have become a necessary evolution for humanity to survive. Eventually, the body-snatchers would have won, in their own way.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'