10 Plot Holes You Haven't Noticed In Stranger Things

4. The Dead Don't Talk (And Neither Does Anyone Else)

Stranger Things Season 3

That eerie grim ward of Hawkins Memorial Hospital may be best-remembered for Nancy's Season 3 ordeal with the slimy, sludgy blob-like mini Mind Flayer, but let's not forget that the entire floor was littered with the dead bodies of doctors and patients - dead bodies that literally nobody other than Nancy and Jonathan seemed to notice.

Now, you could suggest that the investigations and reports on the mysterious deaths took place off-screen but, given that the town's July 4 holiday bash wasn't cancelled, that is highly unlikely. Moreover, on the post-showdown Cutting Edge report in the season finale (a month after the events of Season 3) that detailed all of the mysterious unexplained happenings in Hawkins, there was no mention of mass murder in the hospital.

While it's clear that the Duffers are keen to keep the dark secrets of the Upside Down hidden from the public, this was a real oversight. It was already pretty convenient that nobody was around outside the hospital to see monster explode onto the ground after Eleven sent it hurtling out the window, but are we really supposed to believe that not a single person noticed all of the dead patients and doctors on the ward? Don't these people have families? At the very least, wouldn't someone have come looking for one of them?


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.