10 Plot Holes You Haven't Noticed In The Arrowverse

3. Where Are All The Time Wraiths?

Arrowverse Supergirl Batwoman Flash Arrow
The CW

The Flash established relatively early on that if you mess with the timeline too much, you'll end up encountering a horde of nasty Time Wraiths. The Dementor-like creatures showed up in Season 2 to exact revenge on Barry for his time-traveling shenanigans before destroying Zoom in the finale for his atrocities on the timeline. And even though they (and Black Flash) have shown up multiple times since, why is it that they're never around when the logically should be.

Barry's actions in Season 3 created Flashpoint and there wasn't a Time Wraith in sight and, ever since they were replaced by Black Flash (who was eventually disposed of by Killer Frost), the Arrowverse uses them more sparingly than ever - in spite of a whole lot of time travel shenanigans.

Now, don't get this writer wrong, sometimes the shows have gone to the effort to explain why they don't show up. For example, Nora West-Allen's actions in Season 5 never alerted them because she was taking pointers from the Reverse-Flash who knew how to navigate timelines using the Negative Speed Force so that the creatures would never know. But what about the Legends who inadvertently destroy the timeline multiple times each season?

Sure, the Arrowverse's outcasts and misfits don't use the Speed Force (but instead make use of the time stream) but shouldn't the creatures go out of their way to protect the timeline from any and all threats (heroic or not)? Granted, with a Time Master like Rip Hunter in charge during the first season, they would have known how to dodge the creatures, but as the Legends' actions have gotten more outrageous in later years, they're far more likely to incur the wrath of the Wraiths. And yet they haven't.

So, one more time this writer asks you: Where are all the Time Wraiths?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.