10 Plot Holes You Haven't Noticed In The Arrowverse

2. It's Conveniently IMPOSSIBLE To Resurrect Laurel Lance (Because They Said So)

Arrowverse Supergirl Batwoman Flash Arrow
The CW

Arrow had such a habit of resurrecting characters that the writers attempted to imbue their "Who's in the grave?" narrative with some legitimacy by removing the Lazarus Pit from the equation. The only problem was that the woefully under-planned storyline killed off one of the few characters the show needed in Laurel Lance/Black Canary.

But what about time travel, you ask? Well, over on Legends of Tomorrow, Rip Hunter spewed some hilariously ridiculous monologue about how if Sara attempted to save Laurel, she'd end up getting killed by Damien Darhk instead and that the timeline was fixed and that Laurel was meant to die and yada, yada, yada...

The ironic thing about about all of this is that the Arrowverse's attempts to be realistic and legitimate only made it come as more far-fetched. Suddenly, everything we knew about the show was conveniently no longer true. Rip's dialogue didn't match with what we had been told about time travel logic over on The Flash (again, Barry was actually allowed to save his mother at one point) while the convenient discovery of more Lazarus pits (on both Earth-1 and parallel dimensions) later down the line rendered the whole thing pointless.

It all came off as a desperate attempt by the showrunners to justify their show-destroying decision to kill Laurel and, looking back on it now, it painfully showed. A decision that rightfully kick-started huge backlash (including a sharp ratings drop), it also completely undermined the logic of the entire Arrowverse - something that not even the almighty Arrow should have had the power to do.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.