10 Plot Twists That Totally Ruined Awesome TV Shows

7. Twin Peaks - Leland Palmer Killed Laura (Season 2)

David Lynch's Twin Peaks was one of the most talked about shows of the 1990s, wrapped in a compelling enigma about the murder of a beautiful young woman, Laura Palmer, and all of the local weirdos in the sleepy town of Twin Peaks who could have committed the crime. It set the standard for many lesser shows that followed, yet Lynch's constant back and forth with network ABC meant that his enthusiasm for the show began to wane, as was clear in the second season, where the mystery was dragged out for a seemingly interminable period before a sloppy resolve. It would have been easy to include the show's final twist, where Agent Cooper appears to have been taken over by demonic entity Bob, but at least that had the benefit of being vague, whereas the reveal that Laura Palmer was killed by her own father, Leland, while possessed by Bob, just came too damn early in the season and drained the audience's enthusiasm. By this point, much of the fanbase had already begun to abandon the show, and this was the final straw, really, yet the show ambled on for another 15 episodes despite the central mystery being resolved. It's not so much that the revelation itself was bad by any means, but that it was placed so poorly in terms of pacing. Or better yet, why wasn't Season 2 just 8 episodes long as well?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.