10 Plots From Stargate That Were Just Dropped

5. New Ground

Stargate Furlings

So this is kind of two minor entries posing as one because they both came from the same SG-1 season 3 episode, 'New Ground'. At the start of the episode, two young archaeologists from Bedrosia are uncovering their Stargate and it dials up automatically. On the other side of it, Sam Carter explains to General Hammond that her 'cold dialling program' has just located a recently uncovered gate.

Hold up.

Sam went to the trouble of creating a computer program (amidst her thousand and one other projects) that would periodically dial the gate to addresses that they hadn't been able to get a previous lock on... just in case? Is there always a team or a MALP standing by? Seems fishy.

The second of these minor entries concerns one of the Bedrosian archaeologists themselves, the young Nyan. He helps SG-1 to escape capture by the Bedrosian military, heals Teal'c's damaged eyes and then comes to Earth with them. Daniel offers Nyan the position of research assistant, to help him catalogue and identify all of the artefacts brought back through the Gate.

And yes, he's never seen again. At least when Jonas was written out we knew where he'd gone and what he was up to after.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'