10 Potential Stars For Marvel's Animated Series

8. The Hulk

Rumour has it that the upcoming Avengers: Age Of Ultron might deal with the issue of the Hulk once and for all. Marvel have always struggled with giving the Jolly Green Giant a compelling solo story, instead opting to essentially remake his origin between Ang Lee's Hulk and Louis Letterier's MCU-set Incredible Hulk just a few years later. In that time the character's gone through three separate actors, before finally settling on Mark Ruffalo. So Age Of Ultron is said to involve Bruce Banner, in his monstrous form, being cobbed up into space. Either by the evil robot, or by the Avengers themselves, mirroring a recent big storyline in the comic books: Planet Hulk. After it becomes clear they can't control the Hulk, and he keeps wrecking everything, they send him into space. At least Hulk makes the most of it, landing on an alien planet populated with decidedly Hulk-looking aliens (what are the chances?), taking a wife, becoming a king. The sort of story that absolutely would never be told in movie form, but it's the perfect set up for an animated project. Marvel even adapted the comic storyline into a direct-to-DVD cartoon a few years ago.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/