10 Products All Doctor Who Fans Must Own

3. The DVD Collections

doctor dvd I know this entry probably makes you think, "Well duh, E.B., why is this even on here?" Well my whole job is to explain why so I won't leave you hanging. With the ever growing popularity of streaming services, people are watching their TV through the Internet. (I watched the first five seasons of Doctor Who myself through Netflix.) However, the disks give you a couple of things streaming doesn't. One, you don't need the Internet, so if it goes out you can still watch it. Two, they're portable so you can convert your friends. Three, they have special features that you don't get with streaming. It's an absolute must.
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Doctor Who
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E.B lives across the pond in New Jersey. She just graduated with a B.A. in English and working on ten different writing projects at once. She's also the owner of Nerdy Girl Problems. She also may or may not be a cat goddess.