10 Questions Which Need To Be Answered In The Upcoming MCU TV Shows

7. How Does Sharon Carter Feel About Steve Roger's Choice?

Sam Wilson Captain America
Marvel Studios

Most people were jumping for joy when Steve Rogers finally got his happily ever after with Peggy Carter in the closing scene of Endgame. The Super-Solider had fought his last fight and could now enjoy a long joyous marriage with the love of his life.

Only, his sudden decision to jump back in time and stay there left one particular character hanging. Peggy's niece Sharon Carter. That still doesn't sound right.

After the pair shared a smooch during Civil War it looked as though the two lovebirds were set to take their relationship to the next level.

However, Carter was unfortunately snapped away during Infinity War, yet she was also then brought back after the events of Endgame.

So, did Cap see this dusting as the ultimate loophole and decide that Sharon probably wouldn't mind him opting to jump back and marry her great-aunt? Unless Chris Evans chooses to pop up in his old form at some point down the line, we'll probably never know.

Carter is expected to appear in the Falcon and the Winter Solider series on Disney+, so we'll hopefully see a few awkward scenes involving Bucky and Sam explaining exactly what went down to Carter after her flame helped conquer Thanos.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...